instead of recipes, as I promised when I started the blog, I'm going to occasionally throw in a series of restaurant reviews. Obviously, to tie in with the post above, I've picked locations where you are least likely to be hassled by the filth.

Above: Avoid McDonalds at all costs - it really cuts into your protester credibility.
Roast - Roast is an absolutely amazing restaurant situated over Borough market, just near London Bridge Station. The whole menu is incredible - picked freshly from the market, no less - but I particularly want to flag up their incredible breakfasts.
Between 7 and 8 am, they do a breakfast for two for £15. This is incredible value; both myself and the ladyfriend were unable to finish the wonderfully presented full English breakfast we had. For a good breakfast in Central London, £7.50 a head is a steal, particularly in contrast with hotel breakfasts.
Perfect for building up your strength before being kettled all day.
I'd recommend Menula, a fantastic Sicilian restaurant on Charlotte St. Why? Well, have a look at the disclaimer on the bottom of their menu...

Yes, it says "Please note healthy options are available - please ask to see the manager". In other words, they have an absolutely no holds barred approach to Italian cooking. Healthy, it is not. Splendidly cooked, with wonderful service, it absolutely is. In particular, the seafood is spectacular.
If you're taking your life in your hands, why worry about eating healthily? At any moment the Met might beat you to death or shoot you.
For a reasonably priced meal out in London, you cannot go wrong with Studio 6 on Gabriel's Wharf, near Waterloo station.
Despite the slightly shabby state of the building, the food & service are outstanding. On a sunny day, the terrace outside is beautiful to sit at and watch the world go by.
However, the area it really excels in is price. All of the main courses are under £10; you get literally some of the best food in London for not much more than you'd pay for a Whopper meal at Burger King.
It's a great first date venue; perfect for taking that special girl you just met while shouting "Nazi punks, Nazi Punks, Fuck off!"...
I'm not sure I agree on the Service at Studio 6 being excellent. They are pretty slow regardless of how busy it is and seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time standing around. That said I do love Studio 6 and the atmosphere at Gabriel's Wharf on summer evenings generally, with everyone sitting outside the various different restaurants and bars. I agree the food is fantastic, just not the butternut squash gnocchi.